Itona System Summary

This page provides a top level overview of each of Itona's major systems. Please check individual guides for more in depth information!


Hounds are the basic characters in Itona. The game revolves around acquiring and collecting Hounds. Hounds are primarily acquired through breeding, but may also be acquired via purchases from other players or Itona itself, events, expeditions and stray or wild encounters.


In order to excell at any task a hound need to be trained! Complete any activity with a Hound earns them some training. Training can be spent to send a Hound to special training classes, which unlock new and better abilities! 


The primary way to get more Hounds is to breed! Any male and female Hound can be bred together, but there are penalties for breeding related Hounds together. Each player can submit one breeding per week normally. Sometimes events and fairs may trigger extra breedings to be offered. Each breeding requires each hound to have earned an assessment. Assessments can be earned via exploring, expeditions, shows, merchants, fairs and more!


Exploration is the primary resource and in game currency generation system. Your handler takes one or more Hounds on an exploration and will receive loot in return. 


Hunts are a special type of exploration where your handler takes one of more Hounds out to hunt specific prey. Hunts typically generate items with higher base values than explorations. Some hunts may require collaboration. 


Expeditions are special Itona run mini events. They require expedition tickets in order to access. Expeditions have special prompts and require you to make a thread in the expeditions forum, and roll for various events. Expeditions can feature incredibly rare and valuable prizes. 


Strays are special Hounds that can be encountered during city based explorations. Once a handler has located a stray they can find them again in the future, and possibly convince them to join their kennel!


Wilds are special Hounds that can be encountered during wilderness based explorations. Wilds must be tamed, usually through the effort of multiple handlers. Unlike strays, wilds cannot be found again at will. 

Trade Guilds

Trade Guilds represent skills that handlers can advance through, unlocking various gameplay bonuses, as well as new prompts! 


Your handler's location in Itona matters! Handler's can travel between cities with steam carriage tickets, and their location will be updated on your profile. Prompts are tied to where your handler is currently located. For example, in order to explore in Azzaru you handler must be located there!


Each handler can only hold citizenship in a single city at a time. Each activity they complete will increase their standing in their home city. At the end of each season the city with the highest total standing will get to host the next fair!


Each season one city is selected to host a fair. Fairs are celebratory events that come with games and special prompts. Fairs are themed after their host cities. All sorts of new and wonderous things can turn up at a fair ...