Design Rules


General Rules

- All elements of a design must follow all design guides.
- Designs must use Itona's official swatches for colour.
- Designs must be made on our import lineart.
- The body of a Hound may not be shaded or highlighted. Accessories, horns, and teeth may optionally be shaded.
- Coloured lines are allowed.
- Subtle halos are allowed.
- Import images may not be resized in any way. You may choose to horizontally centre your Hound once designed, but the canvas must remain 1600x1200.
- You must have created the design, and all of its elements yourself, or have explicit permission from the creator.
- You may not copy or trace design elements off of other Hounds.
- Designs must be submitted through the design update system on site. 
- Each user may have 1 design update and one phenotype design in for approval at a time. Once processed the user may submit another.
- Staff does not pre-vet designs.


Inspired-By Designs

Itona permits designs inspired by other works of art, provided that they meet the following guidelines.
- Design must include at least 3 significant changes from the source material. 
- Design must not be directly copied or traced in any way.
- Design must not include any copyrighted work that you do not own or have express, written permission to use.