Choices, Choices

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Elaine sat in the chair with her legs crossed demurely at the ankles and her arms crossed thoughtfully across her chest. She tapped her expertly manicured nails against her arm to prevent herself from tapping them against her teeth – or worse, biting them. It had been a hard habit to break and she always found herself fighting the urge during times of stress. Like this one.

The guild representatives sitting across from her looked at each other and then back at her. One of the braver ones cleared their throat and spoke up. “So… then… have you decided? Or… would you like us to go over what each of our Guilds has to offer once more?”

Elaine opened her mouth to say something, and then promptly shut it again, frowning. Beside her, Ghoul tipped his head to the side and stared up at her. It wasn’t helping the pressure she was feeling in that moment.

“Perhaps…” one of the other Guild representatives said, “we should leave for a minute? Give you some space while you make your decision?”

Some of the group moved to start getting to their feet, but Elaine sent them a sharp look and froze them in their place. “I said I would give you an answer presently and I will. I know my own mind. I have made my decision, I need only think on it for a moment to be sure.”  She told them, injecting all of the haughty indignation her privileged upbringing had given her access to. It was a lie of course. She hadn’t made up her mind about anything.

She probably should join the Merchants Guild. She was here to make her fortune, after all. However, some of the other Guilds provided better avenues towards doing the things that would make her fortune. 

Perhaps she should join the Breeders Guild – she had some knowledge, after all, in that direction from her experiences at home. Except she didn’t know how often the hounds might be expected to have litters and with only one bitch she probably shouldn’t count on that as a reliable way to support herself… 

The Expeditioneers Guild might be more immediately useful. From what she had gathered, Itona was the kind of place that rewarded getting your hands dirty, and, given her general lack of experience in that area, any kind of support in her endeavors would probably be good.

That being said… the Trainers Guild or Handlers Guild could also be of value, if she truly did intend to make her place on the island in the Hound community. Particularly the Trainers Guild. Entering shows would take capital, which she, at present, did not have. Training was something she was going to have to get very good at very quickly. (Her dogs at home had mostly been trained by staff.)

Behind her, Elaine could hear voices approaching. Another couple of people in need of acquiring guild membership. The representatives across from her started shifting in their seats again, and Elaine knew she was going to have to either make her decision or let them go. She didn’t want to gain a reputation for being indecisive though, and there was something to be said about Doing What You Know. 

She put on her best debutante smile and turned to the representative of the Merchant’s Guild. “It will be a pleasure doing business with you.”

Choices, Choices
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In New Player Quests ・ By Andraia

Elaine will be joining the Merchant's Guild

Submitted By Andraia for Trade OpportunitiesLocation: Ynnis
Submitted: 8 months agoLast Updated: 8 months ago

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