Elaine Beaumont
Name: Elaine Beaumont
Pronouns: She/Her
Age: Late Twenties
Elaine was raised in a land with certain expectations of women from wealthy families, and she met them... technically. She has a breadth of artistic, social, and musical skills, but none of them were developed particularly deeply. Instead, she developed her talents in areas of finance and business, as well as investigating whatever new advancement in technology and culture caught her attention that week.
Being raised with the expectation that being too expressive with your emotions is unseemly, but being born with an incredibly expressive personality, has left her more than a little socially awkward. Although her actions and words remain understated, her excitement and interest is hard to contain and often peeks through. The end result is that she is sometimes considered too effusive for the socially conservative crowd, and too repressed for the socially liberal.
However, Elaine doesn’t let that keep her down, and instead finds joy in her personal interests, and remains a fairly cheerful and energetic person on the whole.
Elaine was the third and final child of a business mogul and his first wife. Although she didn't die in childbirth, she did die of an unrelated illness less than a year later, so Elaine never had an opportunity to know her. Both of her elder siblings were boys and she was very close with both of them, and preferred to engage in their activities rather than the more feminine pursuits her governess tried to interest her in. When she was five her father remarried and the pair had three more children, two of which were little girls.
Her step-mother was very kind to her, but the two never really clicked. So, when it became apparent that Elaine was more interested in 'talking shop' with the men of the marriage market than finding a match, the woman was content to let her be and focus on her own daughter's prospects. Elaine's father was very indulgent of her interests and supported her education, but he still had some old fashioned ideas about which of his children should be getting involved in the business and which should be focussing on increasing the family prestige in other ways.
Frustrated by the limitations being set on her by her family, but also not wanting to upset them by doing anything too blatantly rebellious, Elaine got creative. For a number of years she had been involved in the local dog fancier’s association, and had a decent amount of theoretical (if not practical) knowledge of dog training and showing. Through those connections she heard about Itona and the unique animals found there. Via correspondence she arranged to acquire one, and she explained to her family that she would need to travel there herself to take ownership.
Her father funded her trip, with the expectation that she would stay for a few months before making the return voyage. Her plan is to use the limited time she had her accommodations covered to establish her own business interests, and make a name for herself that her family would be supportive of.
Submitted By Andraia
for Arrival
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Submitted: 8 months ago ・
Last Updated: 8 months ago