[Tame] Drift 616a

In Ynnis ・ By MoonRazor
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It happened close to dusk, as Ollie and the hounds were returning from a lovely walk by the pier, enjoying the golden glow of the setting sun. Rhubarb, Roadstead and Sunshower had been in fine form, following him like shadows as they had meandered through across the docks, admiring the ships bobbing at rest. Many sniffs were had. Some treats were consumed. And then, it was time to head home.

It was on the walk home that Ollie sensed it - he had a feeling for these things, having found a handful of other strays in the past. At some point, he felt the presence of a fourth shadow trailing after him, following the scent of treats in his pockets.

The hound was a lovely, curious thing, keeping its distance but perking up every time he turned and peered at it from the corner of his eye. Every time he stopped, his own hounds paused to gaze back at the stray with tails wagging, eager to meet a new friend.

"I think I might refer to you as Drift," Ollie said in the stray's general direction. "What do you think?"
Rhubarb, Roadstead and Sunshower seemed quite on board with his suggestion. The three of them milled about at Ollie's feet, waiting for him to make his next move in befriending Drift.

"Let's try to sit, shall we?" He said to his hounds. "Maybe he'll come a little closer."

They found a patch of grass and Ollie sat down, tossing a treat a short distance away, and then laying back. Sunshower curled up beside him, happy to be an observer, while Roadstead sat by his head, watchful. Rhubarb laid at Ollie's feet, and together they sat in silence as Drift eyed them from afar. He paced forward a few steps before losing his nerve and backing away retreating to the comfort of a tree, behind which he half hid himself.

Every few minutes, his curiosity would get the better of him, and he would peek out from behind the tree, edging a step closer, drawn by the promise of food. Every time he moved, Rhubarb would raise her head and wag her tail against the ground, adding a promise of friendship to the shy stray.

Some time went by, with the four of them repeating this cycle. Drift would edge closer and Rhubarb would welcome him. Sunshower snoozed, blissfully unaware of the stray's inner turmoil, and Roadstead kept a quiet eye out, calm.

Eventually, Drift worked up the courage to leave the cover of the tree entirely. He slunk out, keeping his eyes on Ollie as he made his way to the treat. He moved with quick, furtive movements, as if ready to take flight at any moment, and put cautious paw in front of cautious paw, until he was in front of the treat. Rhubarb's tail went wild and a happy whine escaped her. She didn't rise from her position, with chin on her paws, eyes peering up with barely contained excitement as Drift approached, tail smacking the ground in loud, exuberant thumps as he approached.

Drift went for the treat first, diving forward and snatching it out of the grass before bouncing back, away from the pack. A smile came across Ollie's face. Rhubarb wagged her whole body against the ground. Sunshower snoozed. Roadstead watched with stoic suspicion.

They all sat suspended in that moment, and then Drift reached forward again, curious, and touched his nose to Rhubarb's. The red hound leaned forward as far as her neck could possibly reach, nostrils working furiously as she sniff, sniff, sniffed her new friend.

"Good job, buddy!" Ollie breathed out softly, watching the exchange with pride. Rhubarb had a real affinity for befriending strays, and it was a joy to watch her happily invite him to come closer. She seemed to make them feel a bit more at ease.

It was all a bit much for Drift though, who seemed to suddenly realize he was far to close to a bunch of strangers. His eyes widened and then he dart off again to shelter behind his little tree.

"Happy first meeting, Drift!" Ollie said, propping himself back up into a sitting position before gathering his things and getting to his feet. "Same time tomorrow?"

He reached out to pet Rhubarb, Roadstead and Sunshow all in turn, signalling them to follow. Time to head home, for real this time, and tomorrow they'd return with more treats in hand. Hopefully they'd be able to convince Drift that they were not a threat after all.

[Tame] Drift 616a
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In Ynnis ・ By MoonRazor

Word count: 760

Submitted By MoonRazor for Ynnis City ExplorationLocation: Ynnis
Submitted: 8 months agoLast Updated: 8 months ago

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