On the road again.

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The shows in Yinnis had been an absolute blast. The three stooges as Kiki had gown to call them had done far beyond her expectations. Trigger had manged to keep his silly antics to himself and snag a first place in his category. He would have to reward him with extra time to explore the area once they made it back home.  Hel had taken third place, beaten by one of her own pups which was both a beautiful thing to see and a bit of a sting. She had known the litter was beautiful the moment they came out but she had not prepared for how they would show her up. ' Perhaps,' Kiki thought to herself.  'I should have waited until after her title.' she chewed on her lip absentmindedly. She would have to keep that in mind for the future. She looked to her left to see the most surprising of the outcomes. 'Second place?'  She could harldy belive it. Creep had never been very good at much of anything other than standing around and watching. Perhaps she should have put more effort into him. She gave him another glance as his tongue lopped out of his mouth. Then again? Maybe he got the approrpiate ammount of attention. 

"Alright pups up into the carriage!" Kiki called tugging loosely on the leashes. This was met with a loud huff from Hel who planted her paws in the ground. "I know you arent used to the leash anymore but its going to be busy here so be my good girl and be a good example for the boys yes?"  She knet on the ground infront of Hel offering her hand out. Hel blinked slow as if contemplating what the human was saying to her. She could see the worry in her humans face and she glanced over to where Trigger and creep were. Her pup was always causing trouble and the other one would follow along with any hairbrained idea Trigger might come up with. Hel could understand the humans worry there with the two of them. Hel looked back to Kiki and blinked a couple slow blinks before taking a few steps tward the carriage. "Come now son"  she barked behind her the low stern kind of bark a mother would give an unruly pup pushing thier limits. "Geesh mom. I'm coming no need to get your scruff in a twist. Isn't that right buddy." Trigger gave a glance over his shoulder to the hound who always flanked him at his shaddow. "That's Right." Creep eagerly nodded. Hel let out a low grumble and continued on to the carriage. 

Once the Hounds were settled in on the carriage Kiki sat down and took a deep breath. She had been in such  hurry to make it back she had not even waited for the results of the obediance show she had entered Trigger and Hel into. She looked over at Hel, she knew full well the only reason Hel was entered was because she had left Haunt back at the kennel. She owuld have to remind herself that while Hel was beautifuly trained no one could match Haunts drive. It was almost a sin that Kiki didnt priotize her training and had favored her first hound. Perhaps there was something gratifying in knowing that her first hound can dual title. That was the whole reason Hel would be in every show she could possibly find. Kiki's fist balled in her lap. She was determined and when she was determined there was nothing getting in her way. 

Hel studdied the humans face, "She seems so tense what do you think is bothing her?"  she turned her head to adress her son. Trigger looked over from the place he was napping. "I don't knpw you are better at dealing with it than me. The human always yells at me. NO TRIGGER. BAD TRIGGER. I'm just glad shes being chill." "yeah super chill" creep chirped in causing Trigger to startle. "Sorry I didnt realize you were there" To this Creep just nodded. He was pretty used to that he often lived in the background he didn't have a whole set of skills but he was pretty good at supporting.  Hel huffed moving to Kikis side and putting her head on the girls lap. "What are you doing that for ma?'"  Asked Trigger. Hel didnt respond, it should have been obvious that she was lending the girl some comfort.  "She likes when I do this thats all." Hel looked up at Kiki and Kiki looked back down at her. Those titles were a sure thing with a crew like this. 

On the road again.
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In New Player Quests ・ By Jay
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Submitted By Jay for The Carriage StationLocation: Ynnisi Region
Submitted: 9 months agoLast Updated: 9 months ago

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