Hel helps the Exploration.

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Today was the day, Kiki stood awkwardly in the mirror adjusting her hair. She supposed that pulling the pink mass up into a bun on the top of her head was the best decision. She didn't know if it was going to be hot, or really what all to expect. She was surprised that she had even volunteered to go on this expedition. However, it seemed that everyone in town was expected to go. Everyone here pitched in and did their part. There was so much of this land left vast and enexplored that it took a village to explore it. She glanced down at Hel who seemed to excitedly pace by the door waiting for her. "I'm coming girl just a moment" she gave another longing look to her comfortable bed giving a deep sigh thinking about the conditions in the wilderness. 'It will be fun' she tried to encourage herself but she knew there was no chance she would trick herself into really believing that. At least Hel seemed excited. Kiki took some joy in that. Hel gave a small whine as if to reinforce this,"fine fine let's go" Kiki called as she headed out the door.

Hel had paced around all morning so much so that she thought the floorboards would start to wear in. Kiki had told Hel that they were going on a expedition and the thought kept Hel up all night. She had smelled the steam coach as it pulled into town. The rugged adventures would pour out their bags filled with all sorts of new smells and objects the merchants would coo over the things they brought. The hounds that would come back looked tougher stronger like they had seen and done things that had changed them. Now Hel had her own human she could be that hound she could go and explore and do great things and she was ready. Her girl seemed to be stalling and this slightly annoyed Hel too bad she couldn't go without her she thought. Finally though, the girl made her way to the door and out she went.


it was a refreshing change of pace that the girl no longer needed that red leash. Finally after some training Hel was able to completely be on her own. She trotted happily next to the girl as they headed to the part of town the steam coach would arrive. Hel smelled it well before she saw it. Her tail wagging faster and faster as the smell approached. She let out a little howl of joy when the coach was in sight. It was her turn finally. 

Kiki wrang her hands nervously as the coach pulled up. A rough looking man called out for all of those around to board and she tentatively approached. A couple people gave her a once over and she felt more out of place shrinking back into her seat. Hel climbed eagerly onto her lap her tail wagging and practically hitting her in the face. She pushed it aside. "Last call!" The man called before the steam coach began moving. 

"Alright work assignments will be given when we reach base camp make sure to check in with the task master upon departure." Other than those words the ride was pretty silent there were some chattering amongst others that seemed to be experienced with these expeditions there were a couple others that looked bright eyed and hopeful. Kiki was the only one she saw that looked nervous. The drive there was pretty the Forrest's paths wound deep into the trees and the chatter of wildlife could be heard over the steam's hiss. Kiki was nearly rocked to sleep with the sounds and the swaying of the coach. However it was not long after she started to nodd off that a should and cheer form those around marked the arrival of the camp.

Kiki diboarded and made her way to the person that seemed to be giving orders she could only assume was the task master. They seemed to be sizing her up as she approached. Kiki tried to stand up straight and look bigger than she was. "Kitchen." Was all that they said before pointing back to a white tent in the back. She made her way over to where the person had pointed and was met with a few side eyes. She entered the tent and was met with a sweet smell and could see a couple people bustling around chopping and pouring things into a giant pot that sat above a raging fire. The person that seemed to be running the kitchen turned. "Fresh blood?" They laughed. Kiki frowned deeply but nodded. "We will have you on serving duty you can probably handle that." They motioned to a stack of bowls. 

Kiki wiped the sweat from her brow as she took the large laddel and scooped the stew into bowl after bowl. The camp wasn't that big yet it seemed like she was serving forever. Luckily she had yet to spill anything and Hel was nearby being good. She had to get after her for a bit when she tried stealing some uncut food from the storage pile but after one good reprimand Hel gave up and laid near by as Kiki did her task. Finally after everyone was served she poured a bowl for herself and grabbed a biscuit for Hel. She plopped down next to Hel patting her head softly. "You did good girl. Maybe we will have a more fun task tomorrow." 

Kiki woke up the next morning sore all over the ground was surely no match for her comfy bed and she grumbled under her breath. The sun was barely up and already the hustle of the camp was starting. "Okay Hel let's see what they have in store for us today?" She pushed herself up finding the same person as yesterday doling out tasks. "You did good in the kitchen yesterday do you want to do that again today?" They asked Kiki shook her head slowly no, she wouldn't mind but she knew that Hel was unhappy with having to lay around. "Okay fair enough why don't you two go out into the woods gather some firewood and bring it over there to be cut." She looked at the place that the task master pointed to it seemed to be a log with an axe stuck in it some strong looking people stood near by laughing.

Finally Hel was excited she near;t darted off into the woods but stopped herself remembering how the girl would be scared if Hel was not with her. She stayed ahead but still near by relishing in the smells of the forest. She hadn't ever been this deep intomthe woods. Kiki walked cautiously scanning her surroundings. She wasn't super strong but she figured she could probably carry about three or four logs at a time. Once she had four in ther arms she used her chin to stabilize them. "Alright Hel let's head back" she called knowing that Hel would come she was always good about that.  When she was nearly back to camp her foot caught ona branch in the underbrush. She stumbled a bit dropping one of the logs in her stack. She tried to bend down to grab it but Hel was faster zooming over and picking the log up in her jaws."ah he'll drop it!" Kiki called but Hel was playing a game. Kiki stumbled after her as Hel,darted back toward camp. Breaking the clearing Kiki looked exhausted as she had to hurry a bit to try to keep up with Hel. She scanned the camp trying to see where Hel had run off to with the log when she saw over where she was supposed to bring it a burly man stood patting Hel on the head. "Good hound you got here she brought it right to me!" Kiki was drenched in sweat but gave an awkward smile. "Thanks I uh... trained her myself" she waddled over to them dropping the logs she had carried. She sent a little glare at Hel who stood happily getting pets and being the goodest  girl.

Hel helps the Exploration.
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In New Player Quests ・ By Jay
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Submitted By Jay for An ExpeditionLocation: Ynnis
Submitted: 2 years agoLast Updated: 2 years ago

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