Exploring the countryside.

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After Hel had dragged Kiki around to the fresh fish stall in the morning Kiki had been snoozing away back in bed. The sun came up and Hel stared out the window while she waited. She did doze off for a few minutes only to wake up with a stiff feeling in her neck. 'What is taking the girl so long?' Hel huffed pacing around the house a few times before deciding she had let the girl sleep long enough. She went and stuck her nose in the door to the bedroom where the girl lay and pushed it aside to her surprise the girl was up flittering around the room. Hel paced over to her side and let out an exasperated whine. 

Kikis nap after her morning walk hit the right spot. She had pleasant dreams of becoming a world renown show hound champion. In her dream Hel took best in show and was given her championship title. She woke up feeling rested and relaxed stretching a bit before getting out of bed and pulling her long pink hair up into her classic pigtails. It was just about them that Hel burst into the room and came over to her side whining. "Yes girl I know I'm almost ready, we will take an extra long walk to day outside of the city how does that sound?" Hel danced back in forth in place to signal her appeasement with the turn of events. Kiki made her way over to the door and grabbed the red leash that hung there slipping it over Hel's head before swinging the front door open and heading outside.


This was a new adventure for the both of them, obviously Kiki had just arrived in the area and had for the most part stayed within the city. Hel on the other hand, was a merchant hound. She had been born and raised by merchants here in Yinnis. She had been kept in the city shown off to new arrivals until Kiki had come by and bought her. It had surprised Hel how many had passed her by. She was a majestic hound whose midnight coat and amber eyes were striking and beautiful. Perhaps it was fate that this bubbly and semi annoying girl purchased her. She was a bit irritating but Hel had a feeling the girl would grow on her. It was clear the girl had high hopes for Hel and could see her perfection Hel admired her for that.

As the city buildings went by and grew scarcer they knew they were leaving its boundary. The terrain became rocky and unstable quickly forcing Kiki to slow down so that her footing was stable. She was a clumsy girl that didn't want to get injured. This was why she stuck mostly to the city. Hel tanked on the leash urging Kiki to pick up her pace, "Woah there girl don't pull me you know better" Kiki chastised her in response Hel let out an annoyed huff but slowed her pace to a trot next to Kiki. Once she was sure her footing was stable she took in the sights and sounds of the rocky coast. You could hear the waves crashing onto the rocks below and the sounds of seagulls echoing. It was quite peaceful out here and she understood for a moment the draw of the exbisrioners guild.  You could find peace out here and who knows what else. 

They continued down the path until the tree line was in veiw, Kiki hesitated looking down at her outfit. She really wasn't dressed for the woods. Hel whined impatiently next to her looking at the trees with her tail wagging. 

Hel was slightly annoyed at the slow pace they were going. She didn't understand why the girl was so scared to simply walk. She tried to pull her to give some encouragement but only was chastised in return. Perhaps what the girl needed then was moral support she fell in step keeping a watchful eye. The farther they went the more unique and totally new smells reached Hel's nose. The trees were now in sight and Hel wanted nothing more than to let loose and run. The girl however full stopped and Hel swung her head to look back confused. She then looked from the trees to the girl and back to the trees her tail still wagging as the smells continued to come from the forest. "Alright girl we will go in but not too far okay? We can come back when I'm better dressed" Kiki said. Hel waisted no time eagerly charging forward into the trees. 

Suddenly she was surrounded by new sounds and smells.  Hel howled in delight trotting eagerly next to the girl. It seemed the girl was hesitant scared almost. Hel brushed up against her to try to reassure her that it was okay. If she hadn't had to reassure the girl she would be running off into the distance. Hel was a good companion though and this rope around her neck was a reminder that the girl needed Hel to keep close. She saw a branch falling from a tree and pulled Kiki off of the path a bit so that she could grab it. She held it in her mouth and wagged her tail happily looking up. It made the girl giggle and Hel's eyes shined at thier mutual joy. Then there was a new smell and Hel's head swiveled to find the source. A bird fluttered it's wings and landed on a branch in a tree high above them. Hel play bowed and wagged her tail back and forth slowly. "No Hel." Kiki said sternly. Hel looked up annoyed. She huffed looking back up at the bird. 

Kiki entered the woods, there were sounds all around her and she was hesitant to really go. She was a city girl and the last thing she needed was to be lost in the woods. Hel found a stick and pulled her roughly toward it she then played with it this was nice Kiki looked around. She quickly stumbled back on to the path. Trying to get Hel's attention off of a bird she had seen. She kept checking over her shoulder to make sure she could see the way out. When it was hard to see she turned to Hel "Okay that is far enough for today we don't want to get lost" she then began to yank on the leash to get the distracted hound to turn around. Hel protested but eventually fell in line checking behind her every once in a while looking longingly. Kiki almost felt bad. "Don't worry we will come back and I'll stay by the entrance and let you run for a bit how does that sound?" Hel's tail wagged a bit faster at that and she picked up pace. Soon they were back on the coastal rocky area and Kiki walked a bit faster than she had on the way there. Hel was proud that she was doing better. They made quick work back to the house. Right before they got there Kiki turned and said "Do you want to go get some dinner?" Hel let out a happy howl and tippy tapped her toes. "What should we get?" Hel tapped her feet and Kiki knew exactly what she wanted. The fresh fish stall from the morning was calling thier name. They headed off in that direction it may not be as fresh as it would have been at the crack of dawn but it was still catch of the day and you couldn't beat that.

Exploring the countryside.
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In New Player Quests ・ By Jay
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Submitted By Jay for Ynnis Countryside ExplorationLocation: Ynnisi Region
Submitted: 2 years agoLast Updated: 2 years ago

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Exploration used for training class #71

2022-07-10 11:51:21

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