CrowKadia: Decisions

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The first day flew by in a furious torrent of new.  From the moment the pair stepped foot off the boat that had carried them to Itona, they couldn't so much as take a breath without encountering something new. The scents it carried, the taste, even the very feel of the air was so different from their old home, and Akadia was living for it. If it was up to her, she would have loved to spend every waking moment running through the city examining every little thing that caught her ever fleeting interest. Luckily for her overall wellbeing, she had Crow looking out for her. He, quite literally, held her hand as they made their way through the bustling city crowds and found a place to lodge for the time being.

Even the inn they decided to hang their hats in felt impressive, gorgeous white limestone accented with striking black wrought iron. Akadia made a remark that she wanted a house like that. It was pretty.

Crow answered as he always did when she made silly, off-handed requests: "I'll see what I can do." Not that he ever intended to follow through, but it placated her for the time being.

When the sun rose on the second day of their time in the New World, Crow was already up and thinking about their future.

Akadia didn't get up until much later. She was more of a heap of blankets and disheveled hair and fur than a person, but she was conscious. Once she remembered that they were in Ynnis and not on the cramped boat anymore, she woke in earnest, zipping around the room to get ready like her hair was on fire.

Crow let her do her thing, completely used to her antics, until she was at his side insistently tugging at his sleeve and staring up at him with giddy blue eyes. Tiny fangs poked out of her bright grin. If he didn't know any better, he'd think her a child. Maybe she was. Just in a body too big for her. He knew if he voiced such a thought she'd just pout and futher prove his point.

"Come on, Crow, we gotta go! I hardly got to see anything yesterday, I wanna explore!"

The lop-eared man sighed like it was an inconvenience and not exactly what he had planned to do that day. Not that he would have expected anything less from her either.

"Fine, fine. Let's go. Just don't wander too far, okay? I'm not putting up missing posters if you get yourself lost."

"I won't!" Akadia chirped.

The pair headed out into the port city. To no one's surprise, Akadia ended up lost and separated from Crow in less than an hour. New record!

Everyone she'd met had been friendly so far, so she wasn't worried, but he was the one holding onto most of their finances so it was kind of inconvenient. How was she suppose to buy every pretty glittery thing that caught her eye now?

As she wandered the city in search of his unique silhoutte, she ended up stumbling upon people gathered for a different reason. There seemed to be a couple booths set up advertising different cities. She seemed to recall Crow mentioning something about having to register for citizenship sometime soon. Maybe she should check them out.

The Ynnis booth was closest to her so that was where she investigated first. She had already been impressed by what the bustling city had to offer and the way the representative spoke only made it sound better. Who would say no to everyday being something new?

For the sake of fairness, she heard out the Azzaru representative as well, but nothing he mentioned caught her attention. Mines and money sounded nice and all, but not nearly as good as the mashup of culture that made up Ynnis. As far as Akadia was concerned, her mind had been made up.

Her lavender-tipped ears perked up when she heard her name called. She turned away from the Azzaru booth to see Crow.

"Akadia, there you are. I'm glad you're here, actually. I had wanted to talk to you about our options. We don't have a lot of time before we have to choose a city to become citizens at," he explained.


Akadia didn't hesitate even slightly.

Surprise flashed across Crow's face. "Oh. That was easy, I suppose." He chuckled. "I could see pros and cons to both cities, but if you like Ynnis better then I suppose that settles it. We'll stay here."

All that was left now was paperwork that Akadia would lovingly put onto Crow to figure out.

CrowKadia: Decisions
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In New Player Quests ・ By Absolutiones
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Submitted By Absolutiones for CitizenshipLocation: Ynnis
Submitted: 2 years agoLast Updated: 2 years ago

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