A trade is chosen.

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Kiki woke up excited and eager to take on the day, today was they day she had been waiting for nearly her entire time here in Yinnis. The day to join one of the local guilds. She of course already knew the guild she wanted to choose but she still felt like she should stop by all the booths to see the options. After all these people had put much effort into getting their booths together and reading their pitches it would be down right rood to ignore them all and go straight to the booth she was most excited for. She would save that for last.

The first booth she approached was the breeders booth she let out a high pitched screech at the sight of the hound puppies. "Can I pet them?" She quickly added blushing and attempting to cover for the fact she basically just screamed in this persons face. She crouched down petting the puppies as the person spoke to her. She nodded at their words being drawn in. This booth had been a close second choice for her and it was hard for her to tear her eyes away from the puppies. The cog advantages were also a big draw. "I really love the work your doing here and I'm sure your guild will grow strong. I just don't think it's the right one for me and my ambitions." She reluctantly gave the pups one last pat on the head before heading off to the next booth.


She stopped next at the trainer booth. She looked at the obstacle course out front and imagined herself leading a hound through an agility course. She knew that soon Hel would be taking on a course just like this and was excited at thinking about the work she had to do to get her ready. This guild would surely be an advantageous one for that. However Kiki didn't seem drawn to this one. After all she could train her hound, the advantages may be nice but seemed unnecessary in her overall goal. One day once her confirmation lineage was established she could work on them also taking on the different sporting shows. This was however a secondary goal to her larger and much harder goal. The lady leading her hound through the tunnel spoke cheerily and Kiki nodded quickly in agreement. "I don't doubt it for a second.." she paused thinking of how to phrase her denial. "I'm sure that you guys will be stiff competition I can't wait to go up against you all when the time comes! I don't think this is the right fit for me though."


The next booth she approached was the exibitioners booth. She watched as the tall figure talked about thief adventures into the wilderness and she looked down at herself. She knew outright that this was not the booth for her. Kiki was frail and surely a city girl. Honestly she had even surprised herself by boarding the boat that took her there. If it weren't a promise of this beautiful city and the hounds that lived here she may have not left home at all. "I don't think I'm exactly frontierman material" she let out an awkward chuckle before continuing on with a wave. She hoped they wouldn't think her rude, she just knew that it wasn't the lifestyle for her. 

Kiki stood in awe in front of the merchant booth as to be expected the booth was over the top in every way. It had a way of drawing one in with its splendor and promise of wealth. If Kiki was not so head strong in her ambition to run a world renowned kennel perhaps the draw of wealth would pull harder. While she was sure wealth would be a useful tool for nearly everything in her chosen field it wasn't enough to saddle in with this guild. No matter how impressive the set up was. She nodded at the man's words but ultimately made a swift exit only glancing back one last time to take in the beauty.

The next booth was the one Kiki was the most sure she was not interested in, she almost skipped it all together but she felt it may be seen as rude after visiting all the others. She made her way to the garden where the woman spoke. "Your work will be so important to this land I'm sure, but I don't think I'm very science savvy or interested in new discoveries or venturing to the wild. I'm sorry." She gave a small wave as she headed out toward the final remaining booth.


Each step toward the booth was quicker, it had been a long day and her mind remained relatively unchanged, she had known going in exactly which of the guilds would be most useful for her goals. Her eyes sparked as she saw the beautiful hound that was by the man's side. "I am determined to have a champion line, my hounds will be known thought the land and sought after by many. This guild is the clear choice for me. After all my Hel here is a great start." She motioned to her hound, despite Hel's head she was quite a fine specimen. Her good body and quite fine gait made her quite marvelous to look at and she knew with the hard work that Kiki was planning to put into her training that Hel was the perfect hound to start her championship lineage. 

After she was done showing off her hound to the man she turned. "So let's get down to business where do I sign up? How do I get started?" She shifted her weight back and forth eagerly waiting. She couldn't believe how well things were going for her since her arrival only a few short days ago. The boat ride that had seemed so treturous, and honestly overall down right unpleasant was all made worth it. She had established a home here in the costal city. She had her very own hound who was over all a wonderful starting slate. She had also joined a guild that would only help making her dreams of world renown a reality. It was all coming together and she was so excited to see what was next.

A trade is chosen.
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In New Player Quests ・ By Jay
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Submitted By Jay for Trade OpportunitiesLocation: Ynnis
Submitted: 2 years agoLast Updated: 2 years ago

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