Thomas' Citizenship

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After a most joyous skim across the pond, Thomas was ready for a sauna, a bath, and a good nap. Unfortunately, as with most wants in the world, these would have to wait. As soon as the gangplank dropped for passengers to disembark the ship, Thomas' senses were assaulted. The smell and sounds of a well-used wharf, seemingly held back by an invisible wall, finally washed over him. The scents of decomposing fish and vegetation, the stinging in his eyes and cheeks of hot industrial oils, as well as the clamor of sailors and merchants trying to yell over each other. Thomas imagined the inside of an ant colony would be similarly busy.

Noticing a building procession of anxious seafarers behind him, Thomas took his cue to move down the gangplank and join the bubbling throng of people moving along the pier. Before he could finally join the current of people flowing along the wharf, an Ynnisi popped out of the stream and with a weary exhalation, began talking. "This is what happens when no one tells me to expect an out-of-schedule ship! I nearly let you all wander all through the city!" They pulled their cross shoulder bag around and stuck their arm in up to the elbow and rifled through the contents for a moment before pulling out a sheaf of papers. "Here is a list of the inns within the city proper and locations of the town hall, constables office, merchants guild, etcetera, etcetera. Make sure that you've presented yourself at the town hall within five days in order to register as a citizen of Itona. If you have goods for sale then you can declare them at the merchants guild after getting your identification plaque."

The inn Thomas chose was tidy enough and the food was calorie dense. All in all, a warm enough welcome that Thomas was not feeling the typical despair of being in a new place all on his own. Just past ten in the morning, our protagonist decided to make way for Town Hall and finalize his registration. It wouldn't do to become a criminal just days after arriving. The map was invaluable as the streets were incredibly crowded and bustling just a couple hours after daybreak. Thomas noticed as he moved away from the waterfront the streets got a little less crowded and a little cleaner. The clothes he noticed on passersby became more plain and flat colored. The Town Hall wasnt a grand thing, but it was none-the-less impressive. A mere three stories, stone and wood, it cast a shadow through the morning sun and cut an imposing figure. Thomas subdued a quick shiver and made for the door.

The first floor held a desk, three booths along the side wall, and a few closed doors. Heading straight for the desk, Thomas greeted the receptionist. "Good morning, I arrived on a ship yesterday and was instructed that I should complete my citizenship registration here." The receptionist nodded in acknowledgement and pointed toward three booths set up on the long side of the building. "Those booths have custodians from each of the three cities and will help you in choosing a location to settle down in." The receptionist lilted, as if following a metronome only they could hear. Thomas answered, "Thank you, I'll go check it out" and moved away, toward the booths. The nearest booth was labeled 'Azzaru' and appeared to be worked by a man in a modern suit with fine tailoring. Arranged in front of the booth was a model on display. As Thomas closed in on the attention-grabbing presentation he could hear the representative talking. "Ynnis is old news. Azzaru is on the rise, and nothing will eclipse it! With our mines, money will flow into every pocket. Change is the word in Azzaru. Leave all that's old behind, and come somewhere with a vision for the future. In no time at all nowhere else on Itona will be able to compete!"

It felt like the man knew exactly why Thomas had braved the open ocean and was appealing directly to him. He stepped forward smartly and stuck his hand out. "Hi, my name is Thomas Clear and I'm looking to move my company into the future. Lets talk about these mines." As Thomas struck up a conversation with the representative he became more sure that this would be the best place for him to launch his Itona branch and begin working.

Thomas' Citizenship
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In New Player Quests ・ By Saleb

WC: 745

Submitted By Saleb for CitizenshipLocation: Ynnis
Submitted: 1 month agoLast Updated: 1 month ago

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[Thomas' Citizenship by Saleb (Literature)](


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