Morrigan Chooses Azzaru

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The days since her ship had arrived in Ynnis had been spent exploring the fantastic city and taking in all of the sights, sounds, and experiences that it had to offer. Morrigan felt as though she had stepped into one of her grandmother's books and arrived in a completely different world. Everything here was extravagant in comparison to the small village she had come from in the old world. The young brunette woman was doing her best to familiarize herself with the most important buildings in the city and also trying not to make a fool of herself while interacting with so many different cultures. She wasn't nervous though, instead she was rather excited and eager to make as many connections here in Itona as she could.

One of those connections happened to be an innkeeper who had quite a motherly demeanor. As soon as Morrigan had entered the inn and asked for a room the woman had seemingly taken it upon herself to get the young woman acquainted with the basics of life in the city. She provided Morrigan with a few different maps and brochures to peruse and orient herself to the area before informing her about applying for citizenship. The sense of finality that came with the idea of becoming a citizen was a bit overwhelming and the innkeeper suggested that Morrigan make her way back to the port in a couple of days to meet with the representatives from each city before she made a choice.

Now, the day had come. As much fun as it had been to explore Ynnis as a simple traveler, Morrigan knew that her time was running out and she needed to make a decision if she planned to stay. She slipped into one of her nicer summer dresses before tying her hair up and making her way out to the port to meet with the representatives and see what information they could provide. She knew she was close when she could see a crowd of people gathered together, as she grew closer she could overhear them discussing Ynnis and Azzaru. 

She pressed her way through the crowd until she could see a well-designed display that highlighted the best parts of Ynnis. Morrigan listened to the female representative boast about her city with pride and wondered if perhaps this would be the best place for her. After all, she had set out from home with a desire to see the world. Perhaps she wouldn't have to see it all if it came to her instead? The idea sounded appealing but she wasn't quite sure. When the representative seemed to be starting over with her recruitment speech the young woman slipped away from the crowd and over to a smaller group gathered in front of a well-dressed man.

The man focused his speech on the future. Azzaru was a new town in the making but from what the representative was saying it wasn't hard for Morrigan to imagine a bustling town like one she had visited back home. The residents would be the hard-working type, most likely, and quite possibly close-knit due to all of the cooperation that occurred amongst them in order to make their city great. Maybe this city would be the best choice, at least for now, as it would offer Morrigan the chance to build some strong bonds in Itona before setting out again. Bonds were something she was severely lacking at this point in her life.

Having heard both representatives and considering her conversations with others who traveled on the boat with her, as well as those staying at the inn, the young woman felt ready to make her decision. With a deep breath she approached the representative from Azzaru and extended her hand to him. 

”Hello, sir, it's a pleasure to meet you. My name is Morrigan Ellis and I would like to register for citizenship with your fine city.”

She waited with bated breath for a response, not knowing exactly what she had to offer a growing city that focused on mining. However she would give it everything she had to help herself and Azzaru become successful. Perhaps the city would need someone to help in a restaurant, or at the local doctor's office, or perhaps even with some sort of animal care? After growing up with her grandmother on her farm, and later caring for her when she became elderly, Morrigan had some useful skills to offer.

Morrigan Chooses Azzaru
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In New Player Quests ・ By Rainyaviel

Morrigan chooses to look to the future.

Word Count: 743

Submitted By Rainyaviel for CitizenshipLocation: Ynnis
Submitted: 5 months agoLast Updated: 5 months ago

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