Citizenship for Deidra

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It felt like it took a small eternity for the ship to dock and be readied for the passengers to disembark. Deidra stood impatiently on the deck, a pack slung over one shoulder and her messenger bag across her chest. She was more than ready to leave the bobbing ship and seasickness behind her for safe solid ground. It was early morning when they had arrived, with fog still obscuring the town and docks, but as the sun rose higher she could make out the movement of people among the buildings below. The reality of a completely foreign land full of unknown adventure made her heart race. That was why she was there, what she had been looking for, and she was eager to be on her way!

After jostling down a ramp among the other passengers, she eventually made it to the sturdy weathered boards of a long dock. She felt unsteady after so long on the swaying ship, and it took a bit of walking and stretching to get her land legs back. The passage had been a stormy one, and she mumbled to herself that if she never set eyes on another cursed ship again she'd be thankful for it.

The wood boardwalk she followed gave way to cobble roadways with various shops and buildings lining them. The town was bustling, clearly a popular port that saw a lot of activity. The people, the goods, the shops, all of it was an eclectic mixture of cultures both surprising and pleasantly comforting. There was no worry about standing out or looking too new; half the characters she had seen so far looked like they had just arrived on boats or rolled in from their own adventures. It was exhilarating and she loved the place immediately.

Entering what seemed to be an open-air market area, Deidra noted a group of recently de-boarded passengers gathering nearby. There were people at booths discussing the local area and as she drew nearer, she realized they were providing information about the towns. She had heard from the crew that there was a lot of pride in citizenship in Itona, and they appeared to be some sort of town representatives. She lingered a few minutes listening to their good-natured banter and mock sales pitches, but grew bored and moved off to explore the rest of the market and nearby streets.

Enthralled by all the enticing sounds, sights, and smells, Deidra wandered for most of the day. She came across a quaint little inn where she was able to secure lodging using money she had brought with her, but the currency exchange was dicey at best and she knew she would need to find a way to secure some of the cogs they used locally. While sitting in the cafe next to the inn, she watched the comings and goings while sipping a refreshing drink. Spotting the booths again with the representatives, she mulled over the whole citizenship thing. She had no intention of sailing again, so did that mean she was going to be staying? And had that nicely dressed woman mentioned something about cog incentive with citizenship...?

Deidra got up and meandered over to the booths again, nodding when both reps greeted her. It wasn't really much of a choice, she already knew if she picked a place to call home, even if temporarily, it would be the bustling port of Ynnis. "Alright, sign me up lady."

Citizenship for Deidra
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In New Player Quests ・ By Sullyhound
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Submitted By Sullyhound for CitizenshipLocation: Ynnisi Region
Submitted: 2 years agoLast Updated: 2 years ago

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