Training ? Games?

In Ynnis ・ By Jay
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Kiki let out a deep sigh, clutching the leash tight in her hand. Trigger was once again giving her the run around. He bounced back and forth playfully in front of her. “Sit boy. Sit” Kiki called to no avail. Those words meant nothing to the clumsy dumb puppy that bowed his front end low and wigged his but in a come and get me challenge. The process of picking a puppy from Hel’s litter to keep had been a strenuous one. She knew she wanted a boy so that ruled out the two girls she eagerly gave them over to Axis’s handler. The decision between the two boys had been a hard one. Little Trigger was a beautiful dog with great conformation. However he was independent and dumb a very dangerous combo. It was finally the day of his basic obedience class and she had been looking forward to it. Thinking maybe it would help her with handling him. “We’re going to be late” Kiki growled throwing the poop leash again in an attempt to lasso him. He turned his head quickly at the last second. Kiki let out a frustrated roar. She frantically pulled a treat out of her pouch waving it in the air at him. This got the puppies attention and his ears stood up in anticipation. Kiki took advantage of this opportunity to leash him. “hah!” She let out a joyous cry as Trigger flailed realizing his mistake. “We’re going Trig.” Kiki said sternly practically yanking the pup out the door.


Trigger let out a defeated huff. He wasn’t done playing chase. It was one of his favorite games to play with his litter mates. Now that they were all gone he had to either play it with his Mother, who honestly terrified him and kept him in line, or the silly girl. She was much more fun, she would chase and chase and bark after him. He would wag his tail and bark back. Today she ended the game early by tricking him with food. ‘You always fall for that’ he chastised himself. Now he was being dragged down the city street by this girl. He wondered what sort of adventure they might go on today. Yesterday he had fun tearing up the beach. He dug a hole and layed in the cool sand. Monching on some kelp that had sprinkled the beach. Today though it seems they were heading further into the city. At quite a brisk pace, he trotted to keep up.


As they closed in on the training facility Kiki could see the trainer she had worked with before with Hel waving to her. “Hi hi sorry I’m late this one is a pain to get leashed” as if trigger wanted to confirm her words he began to pull hard in the leash forcing Kiki to adjust her feet to stay balanced. “I see that” the trainer let out a laugh. “He is so cute he definitely got his looks from his momma” Kiki looked down at him with pride nodding. “If only he had gotten her brains. He’s got to be the dumbest dog I’ve ever met.” The trainer laughed and said “Those can be the most fun” Kiki agreed with this.”He sure is a goofy guy, I’m just hoping he can get a hang of this training.” “He will we just got to go a little slower than we did with Hel. And a lot more treats.” She rolled up her sleeves and said “let’s get started. Go ahead and lure him in front of you with treats and then bring the treat up so that he sits before you give it to him.” Kiki gave a nervous look but obliged pulling the treat out of her pocket. The second she did Trigger was jumping on her. “No boy! Off” he was frantically pawing and whining. She tried to use the treat to lure him but Everytime she got the treat close enough for him to smell his eyes would go wide and he would chomp at her hand. The trainer let out a laugh at this. ‘Glad someone is enjoying this’ Kiki thought sarcastically.


The next hour was spent this way, luring him and him loosing his mind at evey treat. She was Getting exhausted and burnt out when it seemed like something in Triggers mind clicked and he walked in front of her and sat down patiently looking up at her expectantly. She looked over at the trainer wide eyed with sweat in her brow from fighting with him for nearly an hour. She gave Trigger the treat. “Well that’s all the time we have here he is definitely going to take more time and effort than his mother but I have faith with determination and hard work the two of you will figure it out. Start working on those hand signs at home.” Kiki nodded holding free leash loosely. “Okay trigger let’s head back home I need a nap after that” he didn’t put up a fight and walked by her side panting happily.

While Kiki chalked the day up to a mere minor win for the dumb puppy Trigger had a different point of view. His morning game of chase me was cut short. Then he was dragged into the city to a yard set up with cones and the smells of many other dogs. He wanted to investigate it further. He got excited and began to pull on the leash not understanding why the girl was taking so long. She had been in such a hurry to get there and now she was lollygagging taking her time communicating with that other human. He tugged again as if to remind her that he was ready to go. Once he was brought into the yard he got down to business checking out the many hound smells from those that had used the yard before him. He once again cursed the loop rope around his neck confining him next to this girl. She chatted away with the other human as he smelled the ground. In the midst of his sniffing he caught a whiff of his favorite treats. He whirled his head around to see it in the girls hand and lunged for it eager to taste his favorite once again. Instead of giving it ti him the girl pulled it away and this irritated him. He let out a huff and began pawing at her. She seemed to just get annoyed and continued to pull the treat away from him. The girl would pull the treat close to him. He would lunge and she would pull it away. ‘OH she wants to play a game’ Trigger delighted in games. He play bowed in front of her jumping from left to right. She would bring the treat close he would lunge she would pull it away. He would bark she would get irritated and do the treat pull again. They continued this way for a while Trigger having so much fun with this keep away game. It was almost as fun as chase me. He had fun with it but after a while he got tired and came to sit down in front of the girl. The two humans shared a look surely surprised the game was over. The girl gave him the long sought after treat. They then proceeded to walk home Trigger was tired and happy as could be. He couldn’t wait to get home and tell his mom all about the treat keep away game.

Training ? Games?
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In Ynnis ・ By Jay
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Submitted By Jay
Submitted: 2 years agoLast Updated: 2 years ago

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