Roll 3/7
Your Hound bounds off down the shore, and returns with a pieces of trash. You pick it up, to help keep the area clean.
Trigger continued running and Kiki stumbled after him. She was throughly embarrassed now as he bounded way off ahead. He ran down by the shore and wheeled around barking at Kiki playfully. He dropped the parsage as he ran and Kiki picked it up. When she looked back up a look of utter exasperation crossed her face. "What do you have now!" She called as he began to run faster with something in his mouth. "Trigger what is that bring it here!" She ran after him and he took this as a challenge circling back dropping the trash from his mouth. "Seriously? Don’t eat trash!" Kiki called after him scooping the trash up and shoving it in her pocket. "I can’t spend all day chasing you around!" Not that Trigger cared about what she thought. This was a fun game.
Roll 2/7
Your handler finds a piece of Parsage growing near the lake.
Trigger huffed in defiance or perhaps agreement and continued digging. Kiki’s face turned red with embarrassment as she looked side to side at those around her. Luckily, no one seemed to be paying much attention to them. "Trigger no. That’s not what we are here for." He ignored her and continued to dig up the parsage patch he had stumbled on. "Give it here!’ She called trying to use what they had learned in basic obedience to lure him back over to her. Trigger eyed her playfully parsage in mouth. The dipped his front legs low and wiggled his butt ready for a challenge. "No. Bad Trigger. Bring it here." Trigger shook his head running by Kiki’s side and just out of reach.
Your handler finds a piece of Parsage growing near the lake.
Kiki was excited about this expedition. Hel had throw a hissy fit when Kiki had opted to bring the puppy but since Trigger needed extra attention she was not confident about letting him off on his own while she was gone. They got to the lake and she listened to the botonast as they detailed what they were looking for. Trigger was off running around and she tried to discreetly call him over to her. He as always ignored her and chose to do zoomies down by the lake side. Once the botanist was done talking Kiki power walked over to where he was tearing things up. ‘Stop that mister!’ She called. He looked up with a Parsage in his mouth. She rolled her eyes and took it from him. "Your going to be nothing but trouble huh?" She sighed and slightly regretted not opting to bring Hel instead.
Primary Handler:
Bonuses: Basic handling
Hounds: K-00001 :
Instinct: Independent
Bonuses: Basic Obedience
2022-08-01 19:04:33
Feature Comment
Roll 3/7
Your Hound bounds off down the shore, and returns with a pieces of trash. You pick it up, to help keep the area clean.
Trigger continued running and Kiki stumbled after him. She was throughly embarrassed now as he bounded way off ahead. He ran down by the shore and wheeled around barking at Kiki playfully. He dropped the parsage as he ran and Kiki picked it up. When she looked back up a look of utter exasperation crossed her face. "What do you have now!" She called as he began to run faster with something in his mouth. "Trigger what is that bring it here!" She ran after him and he took this as a challenge circling back dropping the trash from his mouth. "Seriously? Don’t eat trash!" Kiki called after him scooping the trash up and shoving it in her pocket. "I can’t spend all day chasing you around!" Not that Trigger cared about what she thought. This was a fun game.
2022-08-01 19:16:17 (Edited 2022-08-01 19:20:37)
Feature Comment
Roll 2/7
Your handler finds a piece of Parsage growing near the lake.
Trigger huffed in defiance or perhaps agreement and continued digging. Kiki’s face turned red with embarrassment as she looked side to side at those around her. Luckily, no one seemed to be paying much attention to them. "Trigger no. That’s not what we are here for." He ignored her and continued to dig up the parsage patch he had stumbled on. "Give it here!’ She called trying to use what they had learned in basic obedience to lure him back over to her. Trigger eyed her playfully parsage in mouth. The dipped his front legs low and wiggled his butt ready for a challenge. "No. Bad Trigger. Bring it here." Trigger shook his head running by Kiki’s side and just out of reach.
2022-08-01 19:11:41 (Edited 2022-08-01 19:15:38)
Feature Comment
Your handler finds a piece of Parsage growing near the lake.
Kiki was excited about this expedition. Hel had throw a hissy fit when Kiki had opted to bring the puppy but since Trigger needed extra attention she was not confident about letting him off on his own while she was gone. They got to the lake and she listened to the botonast as they detailed what they were looking for. Trigger was off running around and she tried to discreetly call him over to her. He as always ignored her and chose to do zoomies down by the lake side. Once the botanist was done talking Kiki power walked over to where he was tearing things up. ‘Stop that mister!’ She called. He looked up with a Parsage in his mouth. She rolled her eyes and took it from him. "Your going to be nothing but trouble huh?" She sighed and slightly regretted not opting to bring Hel instead.
2022-08-01 19:05:22 (Edited 2022-08-01 19:10:49)
Feature Comment