All Prompts
Ynnis Countryside Exploration
The countryside outside of Ynnis is a fascinating place. Rocky coastline stretches in both directions, replete with curious tidal pools and shallow caves carved into the rocky ledged. Further inland is filled with temperate forests, and frequent rain squalls soak the region year round. Many beautiful vistas await those willing to explore ...
You must have a Hound on your account. Your handler must currently be in Ynnis.
- Each piece can only feature as many hounds as your handler is able to control.
- You must include all bonuses that apply to the piece in your form.
- Bonuses that you do not include will not be rolled.
- Forms must be included in the comment section of your submission.
- You may submit up to 3 countryside explorations per day.
Visual Art
- Piece must depict at least 50% of your hound.
- Piece requires a Ynnis countryside background.
- Piece must adhere to Itona visual art guidelines.
- Piece must be 750 or more words.
- Piece should focus on your handler and hound exploring the Ynnis countryside.
- Piece must adhere to Itona literature guidelines.
Visual Art Guidelines ✦ Literature Guidelines ✦ Handler Guidelines
Exploration Guide ✦ Ynnis Lore ✦ Training
1x Ynnis Countryside Roll per Hound
Any applicable Hound bonuses
Any applicable Handler bonuses
1x City Standing if you are a Ynnisi Citizen
Primary Handler: (link to account)
Bonuses: (list all the apply)
Additional Handler: (link to account, remove if not needed)
Bonuses: (list all the apply, remove if not needed)
Hounds: (character code of Hound, duplicate if needed)
Instinct: (list all that apply, duplicate if needed)
Bonuses: (list all that apply, duplicate if needed)
Reward | Amount |
Ynnis Countryside | 1 |